Services Pediatrics 219 Health Network Indiana

Five Reasons Children Should Visit a Pediatrician Regularly: Insights from an Affordable Pediatrician in East Chicago

Jul 9, 2022 | Healthcare | 0 comments

Children go through many changes as they grow. That is why it is important for children to visit with their East Chicago pediatrician regularly. These visits help ensure that their growth and development are on track and provides an opportunity for preventive care.

Here are the top five benefits of children regularly visiting a pediatrician in East Chicago:

1. Better chances of avoiding illnesses

Regularly visiting a pediatrician in East Chicago helps identify and treat common illnesses in their earliest stages. If left untreated, these illnesses could develop into much more serious issues that have much graver consequences — not just for your child’s health, but their development as well.

In fact, it has been found that children whose parents do not regularly take them to see their pediatricians are at higher risk of obesity and developmental delays than those who do.

So, if you want to keep your child healthy and happy, make regular visits to your East Chicago pediatrician a top priority.

2. Healthier growth

People of all ages lose essential nutrients and minerals when ill. That is why children who come down with colds often show signs of nutrient deficiency, with symptoms such as a rash or diarrhea.

To keep your little ones healthy — and growing at an optimal rate — it is important to visit your pediatrician in East Chicago regularly. A pediatrician monitors growth and development and identifies signs of health problems early on; they also might be able to recommend over-the-counter remedies that are safe for children.

3. Better physical development

Because pediatricians take care of children from the age of birth until young adults, they may detect developmental issues and correct them before your child falls behind. A pediatrician will also alert you to any potential issues that might affect your child as they continue to grow.

Children treated by specialists early on often catch up in development, but even if they do not, many developmental delays are not permanent.

4. Protection from abuse and neglect

Abused and neglected children tend to have poor health, both physical and mental. Unfortunately, abuse and neglect do not just occur in homes with poverty, substance abuse or broken families. A healthy home can deteriorate into an abusive one when it is overwhelmed by stressors and complicated by family dynamics.

Abuse may cause lifelong harm to children, both physically and emotionally. If you suspect that your child has been or may be abused or neglected, your pediatrician in East Chicago can recommend services in your community that specialize in preventing child abuse as well as providing treatment if your child has experienced such trauma.

5. Improved overall well-being

Many common pediatric ailments, including frequent colds and ear infections, can be treated at home. If you notice anything more serious — such as difficulty breathing or weakness in an arm or leg — do not hesitate to get medical attention immediately.

Looking for an Affordable Pediatrician in East Chicago?

Are you looking for an affordable pediatrician in East Chicago who can provide the necessary care for your child? If so, look no further than 219 Health Network. We have licensed pediatric physicians on staff who specialize in preventive care for infants and children. Contact us today at (219) 398-9265 to schedule an appointment.