Services Pediatrics 219 Health Network Indiana

Things You Can Expect After Giving Birth: Insights from an OB/GYN Specialist in East Chicago, Indiana

Sep 22, 2022 | Healthcare | 0 comments

Have you recently given birth? If so, congratulations! The hard part is over, right? Well, not exactly. In fact, the journey just got even more interesting and exciting now that you are juggling parenthood with your other roles in life. While the experience of childbirth and motherhood are different for everyone, there are several things that nearly all mothers can expect after delivery. This OB/GYN specialist in East Chicago, Indiana, is going to explain below.

Getting Sleep

Sleep is often the last thing on your mind when you come home from the hospital with your new bundle of joy, and this is an unfortunate trend. Sleep deprivation is not healthy for any new parent, as it may lead to lowered immunity and depression, among other things.

Some advice for getting some much-needed rest:

  • Get help at night with feedings or other nighttime tasks.
  • Limit daytime naps.
  • Exercise during the day to lower stress levels.
  • Try meditation or guided imagery to prepare for sleep.
  • Talk about your feelings with friends or family members who have gone through this experience before, or with a licensed OB/GYN specialist in East Chicago, Indiana.

The Importance of Touch

Early skin-to-skin contact is vital for newborns, so they get familiar to your scent. Letting your baby know you are there in person and through touch also helps them transition to their new surroundings.

Let Your Body Heal Naturally

Babies come into the world weighing on average between 7 to 8 pounds, and a woman’s pelvis is only 3 pounds. This means the likelihood of pelvic organ prolapse and other issues, such as urinary incontinence, in women with new deliveries is high.

Your OB/GYN specialist in East Chicago, Indiana, will advise you to take plenty of time recovering before jumping back into daily activities. For many new moms, this includes daily activities like going up and down stairs, grocery shopping, cooking dinner, household chores, picking up the children from school, walking the dog and more.

If you have any concerns, contact your OB/GYN specialist in East Chicago, Indiana.

Brace Yourself for Weight Gain…

After giving birth, you may notice weight gain and stretched skin and muscles from the dramatic changes your body has undergone the past nine months. The weight gain will depend on how much excess weight you carried before becoming pregnant — however, gaining 12 pounds or more is not uncommon.

…And No, It Doesn’t Have to All Be in Your Belly

Weight gain postpartum may happen anywhere — not just in the belly. You might also find yourself gaining weight around other areas such as the thighs and hips. Weight will distribute across the whole body as hormone levels stabilize and your body adjusts.

Not Sure If You Are Eating Enough?

After pregnancy, your body goes through intense changes, so it is important to eat enough calories and nutritious foods with the right balance of protein, carbs and fats. For many women, this means eating at least 3,000-3,500 calories daily — including snacks — while breastfeeding or pumping.

Nursing Through Cracked Nipples

Cracked nipples may be quite painful, but the cracks should go away within a few days or less, especially if you are breastfeeding exclusively (that means no supplementing with formula). See your OB/GYN for an antibiotic prescription if the pain is extreme.

If the pain subsides but does not go away completely after three to four days, ask your OB/GYN about products that may help with nipple healing and soreness, such as lactation cream or pads for night use. 

Take Care of Your Mental Health

Now that you have brought your bundle of joy into the world, taking care of your mental health is important. This is something you may have neglected during pregnancy because you had other priorities.

One of the best ways to do that is to schedule postpartum visits with your OB/GYN specialist in East Chicago, Indiana, within 10 days of delivery. These follow-up appointments are helpful for weight checks, monitoring your emotional health and ensuring you follow directions given by the hospital staff.

Looking for an Affordable OB/GYN Specialist in East Chicago, Indiana?

Do you have any additional questions about what you can expect after childbirth? If so, and if you’re looking to meet with an affordable OB/GYN specialist in East Chicago, Indiana, look no further than the professionals at 219 Health Network. Our licensed obstetrics and gynecology specialist can answer any questions and alleviate any concerns you may have. Contact us today to learn how we can help.