As any parent knows, accidents can happen in the blink of an eye. This is why having some basic first aid skills are a must. Fortunately, you don’t need a medical degree to handle most of those everyday scrapes and bumps your kids might get. Our licensed pediatricians in East Chicago, Indiana are going to provide some must-know first-aid tips to help you feel confident when your child gets a scrape or a bruise.
First aid skills every parent needs to know.
Do you have a proper first-aid kit at home? You need more than a roll of duct tape and some old antiseptic. Having a well-stocked kit on hand makes it easier to take care of everything from minor cuts to bigger injuries. A first-aid kit is necessary, but you should also know what to do if your kid is choking, how to stop a nosebleed, and manage sprains, strains, or fevers at home.
Just a reminder that there is no parenting handbook out there. If you see a mysterious rash or a strange bump, or if your kid gets hurt and you don’t know what to do, there is nothing wrong with calling a licensed pediatrician in East Chicago, Indiana. They can give you helpful advice and show you how to handle these situations.
What to do in common first aid emergencies?
It can be an extremely scary situation to see your child choking, and we hope you don’t find yourself in it, but it is always a good idea to be prepared for emergencies.
If your child is coughing, let them cough. But if the situation gets worse, performing abdominal thrusts (the Heimlich maneuver) may be necessary. This is not something you will want to Google in the moment, so you may want to consider taking a class to get trained in this life-saving skill. If your child stops breathing, call 911 immediately and start CPR.
If you are not sure how to do these things, you can always consult with a knowledgeable pediatrician in East Chicago, Indiana. They can point you to local first aid and CPR classes, which are invaluable for emergencies like this.
Cut, scrape, or bleeding wound:
If your child gets a scraped knee or a minor cut, you should first clean the wound with soap and water. Apply some antibiotic ointment on it and then cover it with a bandage. If it is bleeding a lot, press on it with a clean cloth and keep the wound raised until the bleeding slows. If the wound is still bleeding heavily after a few minutes, it may be necessary to take your child to urgent care.
Nosebleeds happen a lot to kids aged 3 to 10, and they might look a bit scary, but they’re usually not dangerous. If your child has a nosebleed, tell them to lean forward and pinch their nose firmly for about 10 minutes. If the bleeding does not stop or if it happens after an injury to the head, you should not wait to get medical attention. A pediatrician in East Chicago, Indiana can evaluate any recurring or unusual nosebleeds.
Sprain or strain:
Getting sprains and strains is just of being a kid who loves to play. If that happens, you can help your child feel better by using something called the RICE method — Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. If the pain does not go away or the swelling looks bad, you should see a doctor. They can take some X-rays to check if it is only a sprain or something more serious like a fracture.
Teach your kids basic first-aid skills.
Teaching kids some basic first aid is a win for everyone. They will feel surer of themselves when they get small cuts or bumps, and you will get the peace of mind of knowing they can handle little emergencies.
Start with simple lessons like how to clean a cut and when to call 911.
Your local pediatrician can also give you tips on age-appropriate first-aid skills for your child.
Looking for an Affordable Pediatrician in East Chicago, Indiana?
Are you feeling unsure about how to handle your child’s first aid needs? If so, and if you’re looking for a reputable pediatrician in East Chicago, Indiana that can guide you in the right direction, look no further than our team at 219 Health Network. Contact us today at 833-219-0001 to schedule an appointment.